Air Oasis Air Purifier Fit Almost any Need for Air Purification

The company behind the Air Oasis Air Purifier is based in Amarillo, Texas. Oasis Enterprises is an American based company and products are assembled and fabricated in the U.S.

Ads often point out the Air Oasis Air Purifier quality guarantee featuring and assurance of “made in USA”.

Air Oasis Air Purifier


Oasis began distribution of air purifiers in 2002 and in 2004 began manufacturing the products themselves. The first product offered was joined in 2003 by the advanced hydrated photo catalytic oxidation cell (AHPCO).

This was cutting edge technology that greatly increased dealer interest in the Oasis product line and boosted retail sales to new heights.

The increase in business was enough to push Air Oasis into a larger manufacturing facility in 2005. Continued sales increases quickly led to a need for even more space.

Dealers offering Oasis products more than doubled in the next couple of years leading to a massive surge in sales worldwide. The current manufacturing plant in Amarillo has been in operation since 2006 and is ten times larger than the first manufacturing facility.


The first product was the Air Oasis 3000 offered in 2002. This was quickly joined by the AHPCO cell in 2003. Air Oasis 1000 and mini units followed in 2005 during the period of rapid growth of the company. In 2006, Air Oasis launched the 3000 Xtreme, the Nickel HCT catalyst purifiers and the Air Oasis Induct ACT Air Oasis air purifier.

The most recent addition to the product line is the Mobile Sanifier and the 3 Air Oasis nano HCT Air Sanifiers. With patents pending and state of the art technology the company continues to be a leader in the air purification market.

Clearly there has been significant thought put into the style and design of the air purifiers by this manufacturer. The units are sleek and modern in appearance and the metal housing gives them the look of a sturdy piece of equipment.


The Air Oasis air purifier claims lower energy costs than other leading brands as most units use less than 45 watts of electricity which is far less than the more common 100 watts listed by other manufacturers.

The housing of an Air Oasis air purifier is made of aluminum rather than the cheaper plastics commonly used for other brands. The three year warranty is a big draw for consumers. Air Oasis is so confident of the strength of its units it will extend a warranty by two more years if you allow the company to change the cell in your unit when needed.

According to the company’s literature, there are no parts to replace or maintenance needed for three years on any Air Oasis air purifier. Unlike other units with high priced filters to be replaced monthly or with UV lamps that need to be changed every year, Oasis promotes its products as trouble free.

Many manufacturers of air purification systems try to offer something for everyone by producing a model that uses HEPA filters and one that uses carbon filters. Air Oasis follows a different path.

Rather than offering air purifiers of every conceivable type, the company offers its own advanced technology and explains why other technologies fall short. Advertisements point out what the company claims are weaknesses in other types of air systems.

  • HEPA filters – are loud due to the fans needed to pull air into the filters and use more electricity. HEPA filters must be replaced every other month and can be costly especially if you run several air purifiers in your home.
  • Carbon Filters – again, are loud due to use of powerful fans, require frequent replacement, can be costly and use more energy than Air Oasis filters
  • Ozone Generators – great benefits but can have side effects. Air Oasis air purifier claims the same benefits without any negatives.
  • Heat Sterilizers – use more electricity and do not sanitize surfaces or eliminate odors

Pricing and Reviews

This product is not among the cheapest systems available but at about $500 for the Air Oasis 3000, the price is reasonable for a system that is meant to last for years.

Prices for home use products range from $300 to treat 500 square feet to $550 for an induct unit which will cover 3000 square feet. Larger commercial Air Oasis products are available for offices and waiting rooms.

For travel, the Mobile Sanifier at $200 has been a best seller. This small, easily packed product can be used in a car, van, RV or boat with the 12VDC adapter.

It can then be used in a hotel room, vacation cabin, dorm room or office using the 110VAC wall adapter. It comes with its own stand and carrying case and can also be hung on the wall.

This unit may be small and sleek but it is a fully functioning air cleaner. There are 3 ion output settings, 3 fan speeds and the unit can clean an area up to 175 square feet. The whisper quiet operation of the Sanifier makes it perfect for office, vehicle or guest room.

Most customer reviews are positive and the decrease in asthma and allergy attacks is frequently mentioned by consumers. The features most often listed as “pros” are:

  • Attractive appearance of the unit
  • Price/Value
  • Long Life of the Product
  • Quiet operation
  • Easy to use (user friendly)

Users say the units work best in smaller rooms and apartments but can be used anywhere if the number of units fits the volume of air that needs to be cleaned. As the air purification system helps prevent mold and mildew from growing, there are a large number of reviews that rave about the positive benefits for asthma sufferers.


If you are seeking a high quality air purification system that is also attractive in appearance and reliably long lived, the Air Oasis air purifier definitely deserves consideration.

The low maintenance, low energy use and wide variety of products designed to fit almost any need for air purification. Add the sleek styling and study construction and you have one of the best air cleaners on the market.